The day we brought her home was a little nerve racking, my mom and dad came over with dinner and stayed for about an hour and then we were all on our own. Considering Parker would not let us put her down to sleep our first night was a little restless, day two the in laws brought dinner over and stayed a while and then we were alone again. By the end of the first week Parker would sleep on her own just about anywhere we would put her and we were getting the hand of everything. Nick was even doing his part with changing diapers and turning into the Parker whisperer when I was out of touch. It took Parker a little longer than normal to get back up to her birth weight, and she was a little behind for a few weeks but we were able to get that on track as well.
At about five weeks I took Parker with my mom and dad to Wisconsin to see my cousin get married. Nick was not able to make it because he had gone back to work (thank god) but everyone really missed him, especially Ashley and Simon the bride and groom. Parker took the trip like a champ, an airplane ride and lots of driving how hard could it be. I will say this Parker will definitely have some bragging rights flying first class at five weeks old.
Things have been moving right along since, Parker has meet a lots of our friends. She waits until she gets home to cry so everyone thinks she is the best baby and we don't deny it.
When we brought her home she was so tiny and only newborn clothes would fit her and then a week or so ago she was just to big for them and I had to box them all up, our little girl is getting so big so fast. Ok so not that fast, she is still only ten weeks old and just over twelve pounds but in comparison to the first time we saw her she is so different. Now if you come to see her she will smile at you and she is so attentive, it really makes you melt.