Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Ok, so we are a little behind. We had a great first family holiday. Parker was so excited to receive new educational toys and playing with all the wrapping paper. We also had fun taking some pictures with our cousins Desmond and Maya who came down from Organ for the holidays. The first week of January brought about our six month doctors visit, Parker is growing in leaps and bounds she is now weighing in at just under 19 and a half pounds and is stretching over twenty seven and a half inches. We have enjoyed watching Parker learn to sit up on her own and she is even starting to hold her own bottle to. Talk about miss independence. Nick and I are almost behind on the babyproofing, Parker might be crawling before we are ready for it. We can not believe how fast the last year has flown by, Nick and I have allready celebrated our one year anaversary and before you know it we will be getting ready to plan a baby birthday party. Parker loves seeing her friends Lucy and Stella, and is so excited for all the new friends that 2010 will bring. Looking foward to a great year.

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